Opening Hours

Animal Viewing Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 3pm

General Hours: 
Most Days: 9am - 5pm
Wednesdays:  10am - 5pm
CLOSED: Sundays and Public Holidays

Our Shelter will be closed to the public the first Wednesday of each month.

Education and Animal Stories

2023 Education and Animal Stories blog posts

Corn cobs and dogs: a potentially lethal combination

**WARNING - ARTICLE INCLUDES GRAPHIC CONTENT Corn cobs can be your dogs worst nightmare. Corn cob husks can not be digested, instead they tend to get stuck and cause a blockage in the intestines. It's painful for the dog, they often lose their appetite, start vomiting and in the case of one poor dog recently at RSPCA ACT, it couldn't pass anything for a week causing the colon to swell and become extremely painful. The constant pressure can rupture the intestine and cause a potential life-threatening infection in the abdomen. If you see a dog eat a corn cob, get to a vet quickly as it may be

Cat Vaccines- what is going on?

There is currently (November 2023) an Australia wide shortage of cat vaccinations due to COVID-related supply chain issues. While most vet clinics will still have vaccines on-hand, they are currently unable to restock their supply from the manufacturers or wholesalers. It is hoped the shortage will be short-lived, and it is predicted that some supply will become available later this year. However, the issue may not be fully resolved until early 2024. Should I be worried? There is no need to panic! The immunity created by vaccines does not disappear overnight, and the majority of cats who have

Cat Vaccines- what are they for?

There are half a dozen different types of vaccines available for cats. Like human vaccines, they are designed to induce an immune response and thereby protect your pet against some dangerous diseases. In Australia the core vaccination for cats is the ‘F3’- a vaccine that protects against feline panleukopenia, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus. Your veterinarian may recommend other additional vaccines depending on your cat’s circumstances, but this article will focus on the diseases targeted by the F3 vaccine. What is feline panleukopenia? Feline panleukopenia is a highly contagious

Getting ticked off, a paralysing problem for pets

There are good ticks and bad ticks in this world. Good ticks are the ones you get for answering a question right. Bad ticks are a type of parasite that can make your pet very ill. It is this second sort of tick that pet owners need to be aware of, particularly as we approach summer and start planning for holidays. So, what are they, what is the problem, and what can you do about it? Firstly- what exactly are ticks? Ticks are small parasites, normally less than 1cm in size. They have eight legs (like mites and spiders) and they feed on the blood of animals- including cats, dogs, and people

Senile Symptoms in Senior Pets

Do dogs get dementia? Can cats suffer cognitive decline? If your pet is getting older, then these questions might be playing on your mind. The answer is yes … just like people, pets can develop symptoms of senility in their senior years. The problem is more technically known as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS). So, what exactly is the problem, and how can you help your furry friend to live their best life as they age? Firstly, what is going on in the brain with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome? Studies have shown that pets with CDS can have a build-up of toxic substances in their brain (akin

Autumn and Arthritis

Autumn is here, bringing with it Easter, Anzac Day … and aching joints for those with arthritis. It is commonly accepted that cold and clammy weather can cause creaky joints to complain. But how and why does the autumn weather affect arthritis? First things first … what is arthritis? The term arthritis come from Latin and means joint (“arthr”) inflammation (“itis”). While there are many types of joint inflammation, arthritis in animals most commonly refers to the inflammation associated with degenerative joint disease. Degenerative joint disease is basically joint damage caused by wear and

Why dogs can’t eat chocolate (and why cats won’t)

Have you ever wondered why it is that chocolate is dangerous for dogs, and yet kids can consume and adults indulge with no ill effect (well, aside from a sugar high and excess of calories)? It all comes down to species differences in metabolism. Each species has evolved to eat certain foods. They have their own system of digesting, absorbing, processing, and excreting the waste products of their food. There is a lot of overlap in metabolic processes between species, but the differences are key to understanding why chocolate is a treat for some and toxic for others. What is toxic in chocolate

What’s Up Doc? The Importance of Vaccinating Rabbits

Vaccinations are not only for cats and dogs (and people). They are also for rabbits. There are a couple of very nasty diseases (myxomatosis and calicivirus) that have been introduced to Australia to control our wild rabbit population. Unfortunately, these viruses do not differentiate between our pet bunnies and their wild counterparts. There is currently no vaccine for myxomatosis in Australia, but you can vaccinate your rabbit against calicivirus … and doing so might just save their life! What is the concern with rabbit calicivirus? Rabbit calicivirus, also known as rabbit haemorrhagic

What are …? Overbites and Underbites

These two terms are easy to confuse. They both refer to a malocclusion- a condition where a dog’s or cat’s (or person’s) teeth do not line up normally. But which is which? How do you know if your pet has an overbite or underbite? And is it something you should be worried about? First things first … what is normal? Dogs and cats have four types of teeth- incisors (the little ones at the front), canines (the long pointy ones), premolars (the front cheek teeth) and molars (the back cheek teeth). Normal occlusion means the teeth line up properly with each other. Specifically: The upper incisors

Top 10 Facts: Kennel cough

Most dog owners know about kennel cough. The basics at least. Whether through discussions with your vet at vaccination time, personal experience of your canine catching it, or a good old Dr Google search, you probably have the basics covered. But here is a Top 10 list of facts that you might not know about it: Fact 1: Kennel cough has a bunch of different names. If you like being accurate you can call it “canine cough” because it is not always associated with kennels. If you want to sound smart you can call it “canine infectious tracheobronchitis” because it is an infection of the windpipe

Senior Cats and Their Care

Senior Cats and Their Care
Did you know that RSPCA ACT has been experiencing a high number of surrender applications regarding the surrender of old and geriatric cats? This post is hoping to help pet owners on how to best care for their ageing felines and to help keep them comfortable in their twilight years. A cat’s health changes with age, both physical and mental. It is important to keep an eye on your pet as they age, as some changes can be subtle. Most senior cats will begin to sleep more than they did when they were younger and will usually sleep more deeply, this is typical for any ageing pet. Becoming aware of

What is …? Ringworm

Author: Dr Michelle Gray It has a misleading name and a bad reputation. Many people have heard of it but far fewer truly understand it. So, what exactly is ringworm? And what else do you need to know about it? First things first- what is ringworm? Put simply, ringworm it is a skin infection. More technically known as dermatophytosis, it is not caused by worms, but rather by fungi. Dermatophyte fungi can infect many species, including cats, dogs, and humans. The fungi feed on the keratin containing outer layer of skin cells, hair, or nails. What does ringworm look like? The classical red ring