Puppy Socialisation Sessions are designed for puppies to socialise with others in a safe, indoor space with a qualified trainer. Puppies will meet new people and pups, and experience unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells, and activities with you by their side. With gradual and positive exposure to these experiences, you will help to set your puppy up for success in a new, unfamiliar, and exciting world. Sessions also provide an opportunity to have your puppy-raising questions answered.
There are three different sessions that we rotate through. Each of the sessions has different activities and discussions around socialisation and setting your puppy up for success. You can enrol in one or more sessions as long as your puppy is within the age range.
Age limits: 8-12 weeks old
Class numbers: Up to 5 pups (with maximum of 2 humans per pup)
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisites: At least one C3 vaccination
Equipment: A soft, flat collar or harness and lead attached at all times
Location: RSPCA ACT, 12 Kirkpatrick Street, Weston, ACT 2611
Price: $30
Important information:
A 10% discount is applicable for puppies adopted from RSPCA ACT. Please call 02 6287 8100 to receive your discount.