Enclosure Partnership 

Every year, abandoned, abused and neglected dogs come into our shelter needing help. These animals stay in our enclosures while they are rehabilitated, treated and retrained before they find their forever home.

There is no better feeling than helping to provide a safe space for animals while they wait to be adopted. You can make a big difference to the lives of the many animals that enter our Shelter doors throughout the year by joining our new Enclosure Partnership program.



From $3,000



From $1,000


Rabbit condo's

From $500



From $500

Our Kennels and Cattery Enclosure Partners receive the following benefits throughout a committed 12-month period.

  • Our Enclosure Partners can brand their enclosure with approved signage.
  • Business name placed on RSPCA ACT website under Enclosure Partners, linking to business website.
  • Acknowledgement as an Enclosure Partner in RSPCA ACT annual report. 
  • Invitation to relevant RSPCA ACT events as a VIP.
  • Shelter tour for your business upon request. 
  • A 25% discount on RSPCA ACT Corporate Support Day.
  • Opportunity for RSPCA ACT to promote your business on social media to showcase our Enclosure Partnership program and to thank your business. 
  • Thank you graphic to share across your social media channels.
  • Quarterly shelter update.

A personal shelter tour can be arranged to showcase different options. To find out more, please get in touch by completing the form below.

sign and pup

Contact RSPCA ACT for further information

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RSPCA ACT’s vital work is not possible without the crucial partnerships with local corporates and national partners.

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Corporate Support Days with RSPCA ACT are an incredible opportunity for colleagues to bond as a team and learn more about animal welfare and the work of RSPCA ACT. It's the perfect way to show animals that you care.