Pets are invaluable members of our families, offering companionship and comfort through life’s challenges. However, when unexpected circumstances arise, caring for a pet can become difficult. RSPCA ACT is committed to helping families stay together whenever possible.

For many years, we’ve provided emergency boarding and veterinary care, to assist pet owners during times of need. As the demand for this vital service continues to grow, we’ve expanded our facilities and grown our foster carer network to ensure pets remain safe and cared for while their owners access the support they need.

Part Time Finance Assistant
What is Pet and Family Assistance Emergency Boarding?

RSPCA ACT’s Pet and Family Assistance Emergency Boarding program aids vulnerable Canberrans in times of crisis, by providing safe, free of charge temporary accommodation for their pets.

Am I eligible?

Our clients use this service for several reasons.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Domestic and family violence.
  • Short-term homelessness.
  • Hospitalisation.
  • Mental wellbeing issues.
  • Short-term incarceration.

The program is designed for vulnerable Canberrans who are financially limited, and who don’t have a safe place for their pets with friends or family.

Why is this program important?

Of the many vital services available for people experiencing crisis in the Canberra region, there are very few options for their pets.  Most shelters, refuges and temporary living facilities do not accept pets.  Research shows that people experiencing domestic and family violence are less likely to leave a violent relationship due to concerns for their pet’s safety.  Perpetrators of domestic and family violence also use threats or abuse of pets as a method of coercive control, to either force victim-survivors to remain in, or to return to the relationship.

People experiencing homelessness will sometimes opt to sleep rough rather than to access shelter or accommodation if they are unable to bring their pet.  Canberrans may also delay vital medical and mental health treatment due to concern for their pets.

At RSPCA ACT, we know that companion animals are more than just pets – they are valued family members. Safe, temporary care for their pets provides respite and peace of mind in times of crisis.   We understand and value the numerous physical, mental and emotional health benefits offered to us by our pets.  Our pets offer us love, companionship, friendship, and sometimes just a reason to get out of bed.  They help us to heal from trauma.  The goal of our Pet and Family Assistance program is to keep families together.

Who qualifies for the program?

Residents of the ACT experiencing temporary crisis without friends or family to accommodate their pets, or the financial means for paid boarding facilities.

How long do pets remain in care?

We provide temporary care for pets. The length of stay is dependent on client need, capacity of our shelter facility and foster carers, and how well pets cope in our care.

Where are pets housed?

Pets are housed at our RSPCA ACT shelter, or in foster homes with experienced foster carers (dependent on availability).

What care is provided?

Pets in our Pet and Family Assistance program receive the same level of care as our shelter animals.  They are attended to by our experienced staff, volunteers, and foster carers.  We provide food, necessary medical treatments (including vaccinations, and flea and worm prevention), enrichment, walks and socialisation as per the pet’s requirements.

Is there a cost?

No. As our Pet and Family Assistance program is designed for vulnerable Canberrans in times of crisis, the program is free of charge and is only possible thanks to the generous donations of our supporters.


Important information

paw print

For clients, social, case and support workers

How to apply for RSPCA ACT Pet and Family Assistance

To apply for the RSPCA ACT Pet and Family Assistance program, complete this Application Form.  For clients self-referring, please add details of your social, case or support worker if you have one.

Once we have received your application, you will receive a response within two business days.  For any queries, please contact, or for urgent applications, contact the shelter on 6287 8100.

FAQs for clients
Can I visit my pet?

For pets who remain in the shelter, you may visit them during our normal opening hours.  Some pets thrive with visits from their family, while others may find it stressful.  Our staff may request that you don’t visit or sometimes to limit your visitations in the interest of your pet’s welfare.

If your pet is placed into foster care, you are unable to visit them, unless through a pre-arranged visit to the shelter (dependent on foster carer availability).

Can you send me updates on my pet?

You can contact the shelter at any time during our opening hours for updates, and if you provide your details, we may be able to email photos of your pet.

How long can pets remain in care?

The nature of our work is very dynamic, and we are unable to guarantee long-term availability. Generally, we can approve stays in blocks of up to three weeks at a time, with the possibility of a longer stay depending on your circumstances and our capacity to support. The length of stay is determined by your situation and need, the capacity of our shelter facility and foster carers, and how well your pet copes in care.

As our goal is to keep families together, we will try to be flexible, but there may be times when we do not have space, or it is in the best interest of the animal’s welfare that they are collected.  It is vital that we remain able to always contact you or your case worker.

What do I need to bring for my pet?

If your pet is on a special diet or medications, please bring this with you.  We will provide everything else needed.  You are welcome to provide some of your pet’s personal belongings, but we cannot guarantee that they won’t get dirty, ripped up or lost.

What happens if a client can’t take their pet home again?

For those Crisis Support clients who make the difficult decision to surrender their pet, we can assist with rehoming through our shelter.


In FY24 RSPCA ACT achieved:

  • 144 animals helped, some needed help more than once (165 total occasions)
  • 106 owners supported 
  • 17 of these animals were placed into foster care
  • 3,786 days of care provided
  • Average length of stay was 23 days
  • 18 free surgeries provided 

Reasons support was needed:

  • Domestic and family violence: 23%
  • Short-term homelessness: 17%
  • Mental Health: 15%
  • Hospitalisation: 33%
  • Pet Support: 5%
  • Short-term incarceration: 7%

Case Studies

Help Keep Families and Their Pets Together.

Your donation provides safety, care, and hope during times of crisis.


Could support in providing emergency accommodation


Could help provide supplies to a foster carer caring for a Pet and Family Assistance pet


Could help provide an initial vet check for a Pet and Family Assistance animal


Could help towards desexing a Pet and Family Assistance pet to prepare them to return to their owner

Become a foster carer

You can play a vital role in helping families stay together during tough times by becoming a foster carer. By opening your home to pets in need of temporary care, you provide a safe and loving environment while their owners access the support they need.