To check microchip details, you need to know the microchip number and the provider it is registered with.   

If you know your pets microchip number

You can find where’s it’s registered at

If you don’t know your pets’ microchip number

We encourage you to visit your veterinarian who will be able to assist, or alternatively visit RSPCA ACT who can scan your pet.  

If your pet is registered with HomeSafeID

We strongly recommend you re-register with another provider online as HomeSafeID has now closed.

Options to consider are provided below:    

And for our friends across the border,it works slightly differently in NSW.

  More information can be found here  

Changing to a new microchip registry can incur costs of around $12 or over. However, if your pet goes missing and their microchip isn’t registered, it can be harder to reunite them with you. 

Note that registering your pets’ microchip details is different to registering with pet with ACT City Services.