To our wonderful Volunteers (foster carers included),
I truly, absolutely, 100% believe that the RSPCA ACT Volunteers are the BEST. I think you are the most wonderful team, and I appreciate each and everyone of you for the time you give, the love you have for animals and the support you provide to RSPCA ACT.
It was very gratifying when RSPCA ACT Volunteer Team received a 'highly commended' accolade at the Volunteering ACT awards event. I was pleased that you received some external sector recognition, as I don't think the larger community truly understand just how much our Volunteers do and how much this means to the animals in our care.
I was also very pleased that the issue of animal welfare is FINALLY making it onto the stage of discussion in Canberra. This is something I have and continue to strongly advocate for, not to minimise the good works done by all the human charities, but because I think animal welfare is just as important as human welfare and deserve equal recognition.
A massive congratulations to you all! The certificate is displayed in our Pet Adoption reception area, on the wall if you are interested to see it.
And in conclusion, my heartfelt thanks for all that you do.
Thanks also to Rhiannon, Marolinda and Jessie from our staff Volunteer team for putting the submission together, and Martin and Paul who some of you would know as cattery volunteers, who attended the event with us and proudly represented RSPCA ACT Volunteer team on the stage and in introductions to the Governor General, who was a guest speaker.
Here is a link below to an article in the RiotACT if you wish to see who won the various categories, and a photo also attached of the evening.
With warm regards